Pip, pip, hooray!—Bird Cams memorabilia are here
June 28, 2012

Many of the people following our Bird Cams grew pretty attached to our Red-tailed Hawks and Great Blue Herons. Now that the youngsters are making their first flights into the great unknown, we’ve been getting requests for memorabilia. We’re pleased to announce a few commemorative designs for coffee mugs and t-shirts, including our unofficial “Pip, Pip, Hooray!” motto and several “Hawk Watcher” and “Heron Watcher” designs.
The items feature stills from the nest camera video feeds as well as original designs produced by artists here at the Cornell Lab. They’re available from Zazzle, and if you use this link, a portion of your purchase will go to benefit the Cornell Lab. (Here’s the link if you want to share it with your friends: http://AllAboutBirds.org/camsgear )
These make great mementos of the season or gifts for your favorite hawk and heron fans. You can also find more hawk and heron merchandise at the Wild Birds Unlimited store at Sapsucker Woods, including the delightful “Advice from a Heron” and “Advice from a Hawk” T-shirts.
(Illustrations were created by Reyn Ojiri; graphic art of hawk and heron chicks by Joanne Avila; photo designs by Diane Tessaglia-Hymes. “Pip, pip, hooray” slogan by Gus Axelson. Project management by Alex Chang and Charles Eldermire.)

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