Photo Quiz 6: Where Am I? Edition
By Hugh Powell
January 22, 2010

In our last photo quiz just before the holidays, you all pretty seamlessly picked out both kinds of wigeons in the picture—nice work and a good example of the value of a long clear look at a bird. If only all sightings were the equivalent of a full-frame shot of birds frozen in motion!
This first quiz of the new year is a little grainy but it still shows you everything you need to make a fairly quick and confident identification. That’s why I’m going one step further and asking you to do a bit more detective work.
I took this photo on day two of my blissful holiday vacation. By knowing the names of the two organisms in the frame, you should be able to deduce where I spent my December vacation. Maybe not with GPS accuracy, but you can come up with a reasonably specific placename. I just love that about birding.
And for beginning birders, this is still a pretty good exercise for your field guide. This is another one of those odd-shaped birds that doesn’t look quite like its more widespread relatives. And it’s a great way to practice using the first two keys to identification, Size & Shape and Color Pattern. (Our free Inside Birding video series helps you practice this, too.)
So drop us a comment and let us know: What bird is this? What about it makes you say that? And where did I go over the holidays? Thanks for playing!
Like these photo quizzes? Check out Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Quiz 3, Quiz 4, and Quiz 5.

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