Wisconsin Prairie Chicken Festival
April 13, 2024 @ 4:30 am – 12:00 pm
Join us for a family-friendly morning hosted by the Farmers of Mill Creek Watershed Council and Clean Green Action to discuss the importance of conserving lands and species. This annual spring festival focuses on Wisconsin’s beloved Greater Prairie-Chicken and other unique grassland species. Early morning observation blind and birding tours (reservations needed), breakfast, conversations, exhibits, and nature walks are open to the public.
This annual festival also honors naturalists and internationally known field biologists, the late Drs. Frederick and Francis Hamerstrom. Regional volunteers from Portage and Wood Counties work throughout the year planning this annual gathering of bird lovers.
4:30 to 7:30 am:
Reserve a seat in an observation blind to watch the displays of Greater Prairie-Chickens on grasslands in the Paul J. Olson (PJO) Wildlife Area, a 2,995-acre property in western Portage and eastern Wood Counties. The property consists of non-native, cool-season grassland and shrub-carr. The $50 registration fee includes breakfast. Seating is limited. Email to reserve space: wisconsinprairiechickenfest@gmail.com.
8:00 am:
The public is invited to breakfast (donations appreciated) hosted by Farmers of Mill Creek Watershed Council at Eron’s Event Barn and will feature Wisconsin products: cheese, cranberries, eggs, potatoes, local meats, and beverages.
9:00 to 10:00 am:
Participate in presentations and conversations. An appearance of Boomin’ Bob will be part of a short presentation on conservation efforts in area schools.
10:15 to 11:15 am
Walk with Boomin’ Bob and birding experts to discover other spring species and critters and to learn about conservation practices that can benefit landowners and wildlife.
There will also be exhibits and vendors.
Space is limited for some activities!
For registration, questions, or comments, please email at wisconsinprairiechickenfest@gmail.com. You can also visit our Facebook site or contact Clean Green Action: www.cleangreenaction.org.