Help Fund Your Community Event With a Mini-Grant from Celebrate Urban Birds
November 11, 2017

Help Fund Your Community Event With A Mini-Grant From Celebrate Urban Birds
November 11, 2013
CUBs grants
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With every autumn comes the falling of leaves, the appearance of cider- and pumpkin-flavored hot drinks, and our invitation to apply for a mini-grant.
We invite organizations, educators, and youth to apply for mini-grants to help fund creative neighborhood events. We also encourage businesses, hospitals, health care organizations, senior centers, and community centers to apply. Proposals should integrate the arts, greening, and citizen science. We hope these community events will be creative and inspire others to organize similar events.
Grants do not need to be complicated! All mini-grant applicants are offered free materials and training to support their events (even if their proposals are not funded). Organizations working with underserved communities are strongly encouraged to apply. No experience with birding needed. Mini-grants range from $100 to $750.
CUB community grants
We love out-of-the-box ideas. In the past we’ve offered mini-grants to an ice-cream shop that gave coupons to customers who collected data and planted bird-friendly flowers; an oncology center that encouraged patients to collect data while they waited for appointments; a courthouse waiting-room for children to learn about birds through the arts; a theatre troupe that wanted to connect inner-city youth with nature; a day habilitation program that combined community work, gardening, birdwatching, and the arts; many youth-led community greening projects; and dozens of other community organizations.
Our application is simple and straightforward. You don’t need to know anything about writing grant proposals to apply. Simply answer our questions about what you plan to do, where, when, and with whom. Get in touch if you have any questions: we are happy to help!
(Images: Children with binoculars courtesy Leaders of the World, Inc.; community event courtesy Museum of New York.)

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