Living Bird Autumn 2022—Table of Contents
Feature Articles
When Goshawks Ruled the Autumn Skies
Are the massive migration flights of Northern Goshawks a thing of the past? Some scientists think climate change and habitat loss have made these big accipiters permanently scarce. But others see a complex pattern of cycles within cycles, and the possibility that the mega flights will return.
Story by Scott Weidensaul; Photos by Dudley Edmondson -
Can the Clark’s Nutcracker Help Its BFF, the Whitebark Pine, Recover from Disaster?
Clark’s Nutcrackers and whitebark pine have deeply intertwined lives. If and when the pine is listed under the Endangered Species Act, the tree’s recovery could depend on its birdy best friend.
By Carrie Arnold -
For Unusual Birds, Does Distinction Raise the Risk of Extinction?
Using an innovative analysis of the “morphospace,” scientists discovered that the world’s most unusual bird species are the ones most at risk of extinction. Their loss would leave a less diverse, interesting, and functional world.
By Greg Breining
Columns & Departments
Among Alaska Tourists, Birders Are the Biggest SpendersBy Dana Kobilinsky
Meet the Chihuahuan MeadowlarkBy Gustave Axelson
In a Hopeful First, American Crows Survive West Nile VirusBy Meher Bhatia
Gallery: Embroidered Birds for the Eye and EarArtwork by Ana Luiza Catalano; Text by Marc Devokaitis

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