Living Bird Spring 2022—Table Of Contents
Feature Articles
A Deep Dive into the Oriole Genome Tackles the Mystery of Hybridization
Using the latest genome-mapping technology, a team of Cornell Lab of Ornithology evolutionary biologists set out to settle a decades-long debate—are Baltimore and Bullock’s Orioles two species, or one? Five years later the team got their answer—and in doing so, unlocked a new set of questions.
By Rebecca Heisman
How Inversions and Supergenes Can Keep Similar Species From Merging
By Marc Devokaitis
Dancers of Spring: Displaying Grouse Are a Must-See Spectacle
Lekking grouse put on stunning displays in spring. Our photo essay celebrates five of the best dancers—and we can help you plan your own bucket-list trip see these shows for yourself.
Story by Marc Devokaitis; Photos by Gerrit Vyn
Sounds Like Home: Experimenting with Audio to Help Marbled Murrelets Find Prime Habitat
Endangered Marbled Murrelets are the latest in a line of species to show promising results from a conservation technique called social attraction.
By Carrie Arnold
Marbled Murrelet in a nest. Photo by Brett Lovelace. -
Bringing Back Prey-go-neesh, the California Condor, to My Tribe’s Homeland
This spring, California Condors will soar in the sky above Yurok tribal lands in Northern California for the first time in more than a century.
By Tiana Williams-Claussen
Tracking 3 Jaeger Species Across 4 Oceans—and Into a Comic Book
Jaegers nest in the Arctic and then fan out across the open ocean to spend winters stealing food from other seabirds. But until scientists with miniature satellite trackers got involved (along with one gifted comic artist), nobody had any idea just how far the intrepid birds traveled.
By Abby McBride
Columns & Departments
View from Sapsucker Woods: Lights Out for Birds—Think Global, Act Local
By Ian Owens, Louis Agassiz Fuertes Director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
New York City Passes Landmark Lights-Out Laws
By Marc Devokaitis
Bald Eagle Rebound Stunted by Poisoning From Lead Ammunition
By Krishna Ramanujan
Hairy Woodpeckers Use Body Language to Show Who’s Boss
By Gustave Axelson
Bird Losses Hinder Plants’ Adaptation to Climate Change
By Gustave Axelson
Gallery: Tree Swallows Snuggle in a Snowstorm
Photo by Keith Williams; Story by Marc Devokaitis

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