Birds of North America Compiles Virtually Everything Known About 760 Species
August 22, 2016

The 2016 Birds of North America Redesign
In September 2016, Birds of North America launched a major site upgrade featuring tighter integration of images, sounds, and maps, plus better navigation. Highlights include:
- A clean, responsive page design that resizes for convenient reading on any device
- More rich photos, sounds, spectrograms, and video than ever before
- Interactive eBird maps right on the page
- Autofill search feature to make it easier to find the species you’re looking for
- Better account navigation, with direct links to specific subtopics within each section
BNA: The State of Scientific Knowledge for North America’s Breeding Birds
What do you do when All About Birds doesn’t provide enough detail for you? How do you find references to pretty much everything ever published about a bird species? You turn to Birds of North America.
BNA summarizes the state of scientific knowledge about all the bird species that regularly breed in Canada and the U.S. including Hawaii—some 760 species in all. Accounts are written by recognized experts in the field and updated on a revolving basis. Access to BNA requires a subscription.
Many institutions and libraries offer access to BNA, and members of the American Ornithologists’ Union enjoy access as part of their membership. Personal subscriptions (including a $5, one-month trial subscription) are affordable.
For more about Birds of North America, visit their home page (where you can view a selection of free sample accounts) or read their Frequently Asked Questions.

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